Over $900M in Stolen Funds
What are you doing to protect your crypto investments? Everyday scammers and other fraudulent sites are trying to take your Crypto and NFTs. While there is no perfect way to protect all of your assets, there are great resources to help you make better informed choices. While these are great, keep in mind the scammers move faster than the tracking sites, do your research, protect your key phrases, and diversify your assets.
Scams Sites And Counting
Fraud Addresses and Growing

SCAM Reporting and Check
Our mission is to make blockchain safer to use for everyone by exposing scammers and other criminals who abuse it. Report scams, thefts and fraudulent websites involving any blockchain or cryptocurrency and help us fight crypto crime! With the help of our users we have already been able to track 974,085,710 USD in stolen cryptocurrencies!
Bitcoin Abuse
Bitcoin API and Address lookup
BitcoinAbuse.com is a public database of bitcoin addresses used by scammers, hackers, and criminals.